Previous Webinar Information
The NAPDC webinars are intended to provide information relevant to developing a blueprint for a national data framework designed to support our agricultural producer communities. We will host webinars on a monthly basis with registration through the form below. After each webinar, a recording and associated materials will be posted to this page (when presenter permission is granted).
If you are interested in hosting a webinar please let us know by contacting us via the form here.
Visit our Youtube channel to access video recordings of webinars and conferences
Past Webinars
Webinar #1: Introduction and Convening Grant RFP
Webinar #3: Farmers' Data: Sharing, Use, and Control
Webinar #4: Plant and Pollinator Interactions - Understanding Relationships via Data at USDA
Webinar #4: Plant and Pollinator Interactions - Understanding Relationships via Data at USDA
Webinar #5: Genetic security research and resources- acquiring, evaluating, preserving, and distributing critical genetic resources
Webinar #5: Genetic security research and resources- acquiring, evaluating, preserving, and distributing critical genetic resources
Webinar #6: OATS: An Open-Source Architecture for TRAILS: TRacking and Autonomous Insights from Location data and Services
Webinar #6: OATS: Contextual Metadata: A Core Need in Agriculture
Webinar #7: Public Access and FAIR Data Services at NAL
Webinar #7: Public Access and FAIR Data Services at NAL
Webinar #8: The Center for Advanced Innovation in Agriculture (CAIA) at Virginia Tech
Webinar #9: New Regional Initiatives for Midwest Ag Data Management
Webinar #9: New Regional Initiatives for Midwest Ag Data Management
Webinar #10: Introduction to the National Agricultural Producers Data Cooperative (hosted by CAIA)
Webinar #11: Coalescing Robust Data Access for U.S. Specialty Crop Producers
Webinar #12: Canadian Agri-Food Data Initiative: Building the Data Governance Capacity in the Canadian Agriculture and Food Sector
Webinar #12: Canadian Agri-Food Data Initiative: Building the Data Governance Capacity in the Canadian Agriculture and Food Sector
Webinar #13: Leveraging Artificial Intelligence to Optimize Farm Management Decisions
Webinar #13: Leveraging Artificial Intelligence to Optimize Farm Management Decisions
Webinar #14: Industry defined standards solving digital interoperability
Webinar #14: Industry defined standards solving digital interoperability
Webinar #15: Data Integration to Support Research, Innovation, and Environmental Footprinting for the Dairy Industry
Webinar #15: Data Integration to Support, Research, Innovation, and Environmental Footprinting for the Dairy Industry
Webinar #16: Farm Data in Enhanced Rock Weathering: Balancing Transparency with Privacy
Webinar #17: Connecting on-farm data streams to make irrigation science easier to implement
Webinar #18: Exploring the Potential of Anonymization for Data-Driven Innovation in Agriculture
Webinar #19: Managing Nebraska's Water: The Role of NRDs, Groundwater Nitrate Concerns, and the Future of Efficient Irrigation with Producer Connect
Webinar #21: Co-design as a means for the growth of open source software
Webinar #22: A free google earth engine based webtool for growers to monitor agroclimatic situations in their farms and plan for precision operations.